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Do’s And Don’ts Of Dealing With Fire Damage

Do’s And Don’ts Of Dealing With Fire Damage

June 11, 2024

Fire damage is one of the most devastating accidents homeowners can face. Its after-effects can be stressful and put you in turmoil about what to do and whatnot. However, you can easily handle fire damage if you have some help on your side.

Let’s discuss some important do’s and don’ts of dealing with fire damage, including some precautions you can follow.

What Are Some Do’s And Don’ts Of Dealing With Fire Damage?

When your property is burning apart, you may feel awful and need instant assistance to deal with the damage. Some DIY recovery steps you may have can certainly help, but having some proven do’s and don’ts can precisely work to avoid the impact of fire damage on your health. Some of them are as follows:

Do’s Of Dealing With Fire Damage

⇒ Prioritize Your Safety

First things are first. Your safety is more important than anything else. Avoid entering the damaged area without a professional inspection. When your property is exposed to fire, there can be structural damage, hazardous damage, or electronic damage. Also, after fire damage, there is a possibility of pooling of water or smoke soot from the fire.

In the first case, we advise you to limit your movement across the fire damage area, as water can make the surface slippery. You should avoid interacting with such damage without wearing protective gear such as gloves, a mask, and eye protection.

⇒ Document Your Damage

It is one of the crucial steps after dealing with fire. It is necessary to document the damage caused by the fire. Take photos of the affected areas once you get permission from the fire department.

Moreover, take a note of all the damaged materials and belongings, and keep a record of the damage that happened. You may also be required to keep all the receipts and invoices for restoration. This will help ensure you have enough evidence to claim your insurance for the loss.

⇒ Consider Professional Fire Damage Restoration Help

As we previously stated, you should always get a professional inspection before attempting to handle anything yourself. Instead, we suggest you contact a reputable fire damage restoration company immediately.

They know well from their experience how to deal with such fire-damaged areas and can bring you back to your pre-loss state easily and effectively. They have the best resources and are experienced professionals to ensure you face the fewest adversities.

In addition to the do’s, you should always keep an eye on some don’ts as well. Those are as follows:

Don’ts Of Dealing With Fire Damage

⇒ Don’t Throw Away Any Items Without Consulting Professionals

It is quite common to feel like throwing away any burned item on your own. You should not, however, dispose of anything without first consulting experts, as it may further harm your other belongings or those of others.

Also, some items can still be restorable or covered under the insurance. Fire damage restoration professionals can assess damaged items and assist in determining which are irreparable and which can be recovered.

⇒ Don’t Try To Clean Or Fix Anything By Yourself

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is cleaning after fire damage. Unless you are a professional or have experience, you should avoid cleaning and try to restore your belongings yourself. Fire damage requires specialized equipment and techniques that only professionals have.

⇒ Don’t Use Any Electronic Appliances

After a fire, avoid using any electronic appliances. This may be TVs, computers, sound systems, and ceiling fixtures. Let the trained professionals claim the condition risk-free, and then use them. Using them without inspection can put you at risk of further hazards.

Additional Precautions After Experiencing Fire Damage

  • Have a fire escape plan, as you don’t know when you may need it.
  • Keep the fire damage restoration company’s contact details handy to ensure easy and fast help.
  • Keep fire extinguishers handy in your fire-prone area for instant aid.


We know fire damage can be dangerous and unfortunate. However, dealing with such accidents requires the presence of mind, the right approach, and fire damage restoration professional help. The above mentioned do’s and don’ts can help you deal with fire damage and keep you and your belongings safe after the damage.

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